Joy of creation steam
Joy of creation steam

This growing national and global attention to STEAM provides an opportunity for teacher education to explore the ways in which teachers implement STEAM practices, examining the successes and challenges, and how teachers are beginning to make sense of this innovative teaching practice.

joy of creation steam

STEAM-based curricula and STEAM-themed schools are appearing all over the globe. This desire created space for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education, a transdisciplinary approach that focuses on problem-solving. Yet, because of the narrow approach to STEM, educational leaders continue to call for a more balanced approach to teaching and learning, which includes the arts, design, and humanities. In short, I am very pleased with both the crate and the company - their communication with clients and documentation included with the crate.In response to a desire to strengthen the economy, educational settings are emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum and programs. When I came across Creation Crate I was ecstatic - it is just the thing I have been looking for - hands on projects and coding using C! I've just finished the first project - a Mood Lamp and I am overjoyed, The project is not overly complicated, but it is challenging enough to keep you on your toes! As I read, the crates become progressively more challenging, so I'm looking forward to the coming months! In the meantime I am very motivated to work with C and the Arduino independently until the next crate arrives! I've even ordered a second Arduino unit to use so that the one I received from CC is dedicated to Creation Crate. I've read a few books, and have worked a bit on simple coding but I really wanted something more hands on to get me launched. Lately I've been interested in getting back into programming, but was kind of at a loss of where to start, not being familiar with the languages in use today. Life took me in a different direction though.

joy of creation steam

Needless to say I had a strong interest in engineering and programming.

joy of creation steam joy of creation steam

Back in the 80s, when I was in High School, I was very adept at programming in BASIC, and was able to work with a couple of other languages of that era as well.

Joy of creation steam